Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nursing Home vs. Community Based Care

Results of a new Harris Poll shows that 89% of all Americans, and 94% of retirees support legislation like the Community Choice Act which would provide home and community-based supports and services instead of older and disabled Americans being forces by the current Medicaid law into nursing homes. Medicaid is the nation's major sources of financing for long term care services, covering services for both elderly and non-elderly persons in institutional settings. (Medicaid was established at the same time as Title IX of the 1965 Amendment to the Social Security Act while Medicare was established at the same time as Title VIII of the Act.) States have authority to establish eligibility standards, determine what benefits and services to cover, and set up payment rates. All states, however, must cover nursing home services while home and community services are optional.

The Harris Poll showed overwhelming support for the Community Choice Act, across age groups and all regions of the country, with that support increasing to a high of 94% in the baby-boomer/retiree age group.

Even more striking was the fact that supporters said "yes, I would pay an extra $6 a year in taxes to fund this community-based option."

The $6 figure was calculated via 3 different methodologies, by the Coalition for Community Integration and two universities, using IRS numbers, and the result was the same each time. In addition, the $6 represents the cost to middle-class tax-payers in the "worst-case" scenario.

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